About Me

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I am just a guy who uses fishing and playing guitar to keep myself sane...or at least try to.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

It Is Just About Time...

I am starting to think that maybe the Blog thing isn't for me anymore.

I may feel differently once the leaves start falling and the floats hit the water but I certainly don't have the enthusiasm for this that I once did.

One of the few things that keep me at this are the many other Blogs that I enjoy reading...fishing and otherwise.

For the few knuckleheads that check in here once in a while, don't be surprised or offended if this little fishing corner disappears in the near future...

I am thinking it may be time to pull the plug on 'er.

It has been a great outlet and I have had fun with it.



Saturday, September 05, 2009

My God! ...The Stories Are True

Yesterday I stood in line at the Disneyland Steelhead ride.
At least thats what it felt like.

I had heard the Erieau stories. They all were consistant enough to finally develope the ring of truth ....but some things just have to be seen to be believed.
Well,...as the song goes I am a believer.
This tale is not for the faint of heart.
It is rife with death of beautiful fish...and to be honest...I found it very difficult to stomach...even though we were within our legal limit and none of the fish harvested went to waste.
When in Rome....

I have some in brine as I type this and there is a giant fish fry event on the books for this evening with the main entree to be the caustic yet yummy Hot and Sour Steelhead.
The little fish should have their revenge early am tomorrow right after my coffee...
The story goes like this..

My father in law gave me a call the other day to invite me out on his boat which would be the last kick at the cat at Erieau.
He qualified this invite with the unfortunate news that things ...as far the Steelhead were concerned were "dead" according to all the connections.

Gerry, Mike and I had all been trying to get out on a fishing trip together this summer but the weather had conspired against us so much that I had just about given up hope.
Regardless of the doom and gloom prediction I eagerly accepted.
I hadn't been fishing for months and I needed a getaway something fierce.
We hit the water at day break and by 11:00 all we had to show for our efforts were 3 walleye and right around 30 Sheephead....

I was trying to stay positive.
The radio chatter was low and the boats were scattered which is a good indicater that we were doing about as good as anybody.

During one of the brief radio exchanges some dude suggests running the leads off the cannonball back only 10 ft in order to give the spoons more action.
This is pretty far removed from anything that I had ever heard about fishing these fish open water but at this point we thought we'd try anything.

After making the switch within 5 minutes we started hitting fish.
From noon until about 1:30 we hooked well over 30 Steelhead all of which were ballistic screamers.

Double and triple headers consistantly.
I have never in my life seen anything like it!!!!!
I had more fun yesterday than I have had in a long time and it really opened my eyes to just what a ridiculous fishery that Erie is these days.

I thought my head was going to explode and my face is tired from smiling.
I can believe the stories now.
Now get me to the river.