It looks and feels like we are on the hill now..
Today it supposed to get up to 7 degrees and I can almost feel the season changing right out from under me.
This last blast of winter has really knocked the wind out of my sails and I can't wait for some spring weather.
Morin has secured the spring camp on the Manistee and even though we'll have to do some scrambling for roe I am looking forward to it like a starving man looking for crumbs.
I have a fair amount of time off this spring between the Spring trip and my upcoming....ah hem....procedure ...
I have finally booked my snip job.

Although considering that they do it with lazers now I don't know if "snip" is the right term for it.
Maybe Han Solo will come in and give me a blaster in the nuts from across the room...either way they better get it right.....I love all these kids but WE ARE DONE....and I wouldn't want any other surprises.
The nurse at the consult has a great sense of humour.
Kimi had to work that day so I brought Avery....who was still sleeping from the ride into town....in with me.
She was draped over my shoulder sawing logs when I walked into the office.
The nurse looked me up and down and said "Well this is ironic isn't it?"
...she has no idea...

Ah,... I can't imagine my life without that little monkey now and we have been having a ton of fun these past few months.
To be honest I have enjoyed the downtime aside from the usual shack nasty - stir craziness that settles in right around the end of February.

Work has been fun lately as well.....It is still work but occasionally things happen that are encouraging and that I can be proud of.
I could be digging ditches for a living.
I crave fishing ...
There is talk of the Perch Fest and a return to Downrigging with my buddy Jason this year and I am cautiously optimistic...the real trick is finding the time and he is a busy MFer.
At the very least I have a good chunk of time off for the Salmon Derby and Opening Day...I am not sure if I will fish the opener but I am sure it wouldn't be too hard to talk myself into it.

Last year was fun.
I have even been thinking about the Pickeral Drift with an aching heart...lol
Absense makes the heart grow fonder and all that jazz...you never remember the bad shit..
Maybe that is as it should be
"the bad sh*t"...that would be friggin bugs! I hate spring bugs and sweating while fishing.
As for your procedure...thanks for the visual Jabba the Hut.
Good luck with that by the way...There will be no excuses or backing out of the spring trip so if your nutts end up in a cast so be it...you will be fishing the Big Manistee.
BTW...BTW...good work on putting some of the element behind bars. I wish it was more routine and the penalites stiffer. Drugs r baddddd!
Oh I am going regardless!!!!
If I have too I will intermittantly hang my sac in the Big Manistee to bring down the swelling!!!!
I have been dreaming of the Mitchell run so bugs or no bugs I will fish it a bit this spring...
The fish on Stuhans site are making me loopy....
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