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I am just a guy who uses fishing and playing guitar to keep myself sane...or at least try to.

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Daddio...(In Law)

Today I did a good thing.

Sometimes it is not about just catching fish...and heres the thing...

Right on cue with my midlife crisis...which I am starting to get a handle on...
..we are NOT getting any younger..

Gerry wanted to get some Steelhead action..and I sure as hell was going to find time and fish for him.

Here is a guy who would lay down his life for all of my crew without hesitation..generous to a fault in my book, and I truly enjoy his company...truly.
Not many people I can say that about.

So we hit the river early ...

The river had started to drop and as predicted was ultra clear..very tricky..but easy to cross.

To my shame I still feel a little awkward when Gerry takes my arm at crossings that I would normally skip across...( somewhere Morin is smiling ) ...

..Gerry I think has a mild phobia about water...
I mean shit ...what is the worst that can happen???

Chilly swim...that is par for my course.

4 for 4 to start the day...but all with wee little fish.

Gerry blew a big fish at the wintering run and that had me thinking that it could be one of those days.

Redemption at the new run...

Gerry hooked a nice 7 lber that really put on a show for him and he couldn't have been happier with the result!!

Very Very cool!!!

I just wish that I'd gotten it on video but it snuck up on me...

The pics were shit because landing a fish, guiding and desperately avoiding disaster is in short clusterfuckish...

Untitled from Gene Norland on Vimeo.

This video is of Gerrys second decent fish from the sausage run...he missed the strike 3 times in a row.
Good thing Steelies are stupid...

Great day....and I even managed a few for myself.

10 fish total....not too shabby considering.

Work looming...sigh


lambton said...

Yeahhh Gerry!
Atta boy!

Geesh that water is lookin skinny. LOL! Dead sexy crystal clear but lookin in need of some help.

I hate plastic...

Trotsky said...

We fished 2nd water except for first thing in the morning and still managed 10 fish....
What are ya gonna do??

I am looking forwad to the snowy days now