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I am just a guy who uses fishing and playing guitar to keep myself sane...or at least try to.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Roaring Start.

Well, it has been a while.
I am not sure what the reason is for lack of BLOG entries.

It is not that my life hasn't been full and I believe I am reasonably happy...but I don't believe in forcing things and I have had no real desire.

In my last post I spoke of my Mid Life crisis.

Still there...still haunting me. It is a real drag actually. I liked things better when I was sure I was going to live forever.
It sure made going into work a lot easier.

Oh well
Fuck it...

Morin threw out the offer for a fishing trip this weekend...one which I couldn't accept.

Owen had a city wide Cross Country Track Meet on Saturday. Which was yesterday.
I wouldn't miss that for anything.
He has really developed into a fine athlete and I have to be careful not to turn into maniac Dad.
He loves to run ...and he is gifted.


I approached a Division 1 scholarship runner that I work with and asked him for advice.
Owen is 9.
His advice was to just leave the kid alone at this age and let him find the love for it naturally.
That sounded beautiful.
But I think I may have let him down.
Owen was heavily favoured to win this event, but as per the Norland curse woke Saturday morning sick as a dog.
Interesting though...as recent as two years ago he would've begged to stay home but Saturday my boy begged to compete swearing that it wouldn't stop him.

...Even tougher when he came in 2nd...out of about 120 kids from across the city.
He led the whole way and lost by inches to some kid who out kicked him in the last 100 metres.
I found out the day before that this kids dad trains his son with a stop watch 2 - 3 times a week.
No excuses but Owen would've won going away if he'd been 100%.
Like I say... I don't want to be psycho Dad but next year I think we'll crank it up a notch beauty be damned.
The kid was heartbroken....and he was so smashed at the end that he couldn't stand. He has been on the couch ever since with fever sore throat and cough.
I have never been more proud but I can't shake the feeling that I should've helped him be a little more prepared.

Man I love that kid.
When he rounded the corner in first place I could hardly see.

Another reason why I didn't fish was that today is my 12 yr Anniversary. Had to be home for that.

These have been the best years of my life...by far.

I may take a run at the old lady tonight.


I drove up to Bayfield on Friday.
There had been a smattering of rain and the graph hadn't given me enough reason not too.
It was a waste of time and roe. A dry river full of suckers and Salmon Kelts.

Beautiful though....and a walk through the woods was BIG medicine.

It is right on the edge...

A few more blasts of rain and she should be ready to go but there is very little in the forecast.
That is PAR...and I fucking hate par....

Running water...there have been so many greater than I that have waxed poetic about the wonders of it...good for the soul...
I need rivers...
Fuck coughing and fuck work....

I have another GIG coming up in a few weeks...
For the life of me I cannot get excited about it. I am no good at multitasking and right now all I can think about is fishing.

Untitled from Gene Norland on Vimeo.


lambton said...

The Shire looks stunning That bush is really a special place. If there was just water. Soon enough my friend...soon enough.

BTW...You are a POS

Trotsky said...

I love bush.