About Me

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I am just a guy who uses fishing and playing guitar to keep myself sane...or at least try to.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Fathers Day

I really am the luckiest guy I know.
My kids are outstanding and I am really proud of them.
Fathers day we spent the morning fishing.

Untitled from Gene Norland on Vimeo.

I don't know how many fish we caught...100?....lol
The kids loved it.

Untitled from Gene Norland on Vimeo.

Owen caught himself a giant Catfish and in his mind he has matched his sister in Angling.
Last week we watched Owen receive an award for being the most Christian minded in his Class.

This was a little strange for me but I know what the teachers see in in him and I was glad to see him recognized for it.

He is a good hearted little soul and I am extremely proud of him.
Being good just comes naturally to him.
After fishing we went to the local museum.

Untitled from Gene Norland on Vimeo.

A very good day.

I love those kids.
They make me want to be a better person.


lambton said...

You should want to be a better person because you are a giant POS!
A giant festering turd of a human being!
Owen's goodness obviously comes from his Mother's lineage. Good for him.
Oh ya...A belated happy Fathers Day MoFo!

btw...there were no Medal's when I went to those schools. Sign of the times I guess...

Trotsky said...

Yeah...all I ever got was the strap.
I will be tying woolly buggers for this weekend.

lambton said...

Wooly Bugger'ers if you are using them!

Where you headed? Pipers?

Trotsky said...

Thats classified...