Brian and I hit the river today.
He had mentioned to me earlier in the week that he was going and although I generally hate fishing weekends I decided to tag along.
Considering his recent display of piscine uselessness I thought that, in the spirit of Christmas, I could at least let him play a few of the fish that I hooked.
What are friends for? Pepe?
Turns out my concern was unwarranted as Christmas came early for the both of us today.
The weather was awesome, and the crowds were 'relatively' thin combining to make a very enjoyable trip to the river.
I was glad to see Brian nail one early just to take the pressure off....but considering he outfished me again...I could've appreciated the humour in a back to back skunking!
It had been a while since the two of us fished together and quite obviously he had missed my guidance.
One thing about fishing with a partner is the ability to get some decent quick photos.
Brian and I have a kind of unspoken agreement to stop fishing when the other hooks into one and prepare for the obligatory photo op. I love my fish photo's almost as much as I love these crazy fish and it is nice to document the moment of catching one guilt free with the help of a friend. In truth it is fun to watch friends fight fish anyway.
I won't say anything as ridiculous as 'Its as fun watching as catching them yourself'.....but it is pretty close at times.
Brian had one take him into the fast deep stuff today and I remember chasing along after him, on shore with my camera, actively praying for his dunking. Now that would've made for a great photo op. :o)
No such luck. The old fella can move pretty good when he has to.
Besides the 'stunning' photos I take of my friends fish ,I also pride myself on my ability to offer advice during the tussle on how to best land them.
In Brians case, the advice is usually something to the effect of "just hand me the rod for Christ's sake" or the ever present "listen, just break it off,'ve got no chance in landing that fish."
Like I say...always helpful.
Just coming off a stint of midnights and my brain feels like mush. My body always feels funny for a few days after.
Not sure what I should be eating, when I should be sleeping and I just feel tired all the time. I love my job and the crew I work with but people just shouldn't be up in the middle of the night ...period.
Unless of course you are driving to NY to go fishing. :o)
Rounding the corner on Christmas and there is a strong possibility that I won't get out again until after the holiday. If that is the case then today could'nt have been more perfect. The fish were beautiful, the pace was good,and it felt like spring out. 'Twas' a nice treat ...and that river doesn't owe me anything.
Ho, ho, holy I am tired.
One of these days I'm goin in face first! Those epic battles beat the crap out of me any more.
Back to the gym. I gotta just to keep up with these crazy fish ;0)
Thanks for a great day. Oh ya thanks for catching the first 2 this morning and setting my skunked nerves at bay you $%#*
I share the same affinity for good fishy pictures as well. It certainly helps to have another set of hands. You wouldn't believe how I have to contort myself to get a reasonable shot while holding the fish's caudal wrist.
Glad to see another success story on the river.
I only have one question... what the heck are you going to do with your time when the season is over? Great pics!
The season never ends?????!!!!!!
Just have to drive farther.......can I borrow some gas money you OT whore.
Yeah...I could tell you were getting
BTW...after that cold streak yesterday that'll be the last time you are allowed to touch any of my gear.
....might not even let you ride in the car with me.
Don't hate me because I work hard so my family can enjoy the better things in life.... GIMP!
That is not why 'I' hate you.
Don't you ever make referance to me touching your "gear" again!
Christ I mentioned "deliverance" in my blog and the gender incorrect start comming out of the woodwork! Creepy...
P.S. you fish with me so you can be near the "magic" gloves ;0)
Just as long as I am Burt and you are Ned.
Along with Guitar I can play a mean banjo!
Good luck tomorrow. I will be thinking of you catching fish while I am guarding our nation.
Your welcome.
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