About Me

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I am just a guy who uses fishing and playing guitar to keep myself sane...or at least try to.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

The long wait...


Summer is here and the Steelies are somewhere in the deep.

Only three more months or so...

I hope they are packing on the pounds.

'Til then I have been filling my days with Bass fishing, the Walleye harvest and diaper changes.


Morin and I did a little Bass fishing today and it was fun.

I figure I am Bob Izumi and he is Roland.

There are worse ways to spend a morning.


lambton said...

Man...I don't know how you do it but you always manage to capture a genuine pic of me smiling. Nice!!!!
Lot's of laughs as usual and always a pleasure. Hope you found your glasses! Geesh you are useless. Looking forward to you bringing those little people around for a fish in the back yard! My girls and I would love that!
Thanks for putting up with me and thanks for driving.
BTW...Those were some nice bass you landed!

Trotsky said...

Catching you smiling is like photographing the Wendigo...
I had fun...and may even do it again.
My glasses are somewhere on the Maitland river..
..and yes I am useless
Thx for the beer.
I love beer surprises.

T. Brook Smith said...


Isn't it time for a new post??

You didn't skip fishing all summer did you??

Trotsky said...

Did I skip fishing all summer?
I did just that....as horrible as that sounds.
But that is typical for me.
I don't like heat and I don't like bugs...but fall is right around the corner and all indications are pointing to an outstanding Steelhead season...and I am off until March.
I wouldn't be a bit surprised if we are into them by late Sept.
...Now if I could only get this basement renovation finished by then.....