Just the other day dipshit and I were musing via email about what we considered our greatest days on the water.
Today was my greatest day.
After an intolerably long dry spell the skys finally opened up and dropped some wetness.
..except for the fact that it looked like I was going to miss out.
I am back in this weekend Friday Saturday Sunday and by the look of the weather those days were going to be dynamite.
I watched the graph...which has become useless...unless you like knowing what you should've done...
But on a whim I decided to try today...
By all accounts I would be a day early.
So much for prognostication.
Today has left me speachless...I feel like it was a dream...
I wish Morin could've been gay as that sounds.
Long story short ..the water was mint and I caught so many fish I lost count...10+ out of the swamp water above Thompsons which is kind of cool because I feel like I discovered that water and it is dead sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The beaver seems to have improved it...even though I hate those fucking rodents I suppose I owe him.
His little dam has 'held up' the water enough to widen the pools and create more pronounced seams.
Every run gave up a few fish except for the eagle run.
It had this weird chaulky colour to it from the clay.
If I had hit it on the way out I may have turned something ...who knows ....but after a while enough is enough...and I ended on a great fish.
There was one black mark to my otherwise perfect day.
One of the Steelies I hooked had to be harvested...which really bummed me out.
I tried to release her even though she was bleeding out of boths sides but the poor thing ended up bellie up 5 mins later.
I thought about leaving her for the eagle but the last thing we need is to encourage that thing...
Heaven forbide he develops a taste for them.
Besides...I enjoy these fish on the table and it couldn't be helped.
Perfect conditions ..perfect bait (thx to Morin!!)..and I was THE ONLY MFER ON THE RIVER!!!!
Where do I go from here?
Nice work. I told ya it wouldn't be blow out.
That MI roe is dead sexy isn't it.
Best day ever eh! Excellent. It's nice to be alone some times isn't it.
Those are the days we live for and day dream about.
Thx guys.
Solitary trips are alright. Most the time I prefer fishing alone...besides ...oddly enough I can't seem to find anyone to fish with me!!!!
Morin is too busy making dildos at the plastic factory..
Joe..If you get desperate enough you could put some kms on the car and we could show what this side has to offer.
That is his attempt at picking you up. Notice the dildo comment in his reply. Beware my friend...beware...
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