It is fun walking through 2 feet of snow.
The thing is...even now in my decrepit state...if someone calls me and suggests that we bundle up and head out for a long taxing hike in the fresh virgin snow I am in!
I love the outdoors and I always have and in the winter being outside is really a blast if you are dressed for it. I don't even mind working in it, again, provided you have enough gear.
Morin and I are on the phone hm-hawing back and forth about whether or not we should even try when suddenly my wife pipes up out of frustrating and says "Oh for Gods sake just
I think she is having an affair...or it could be that she is just sick of me. I have been home since June after all.
I think today is the day. I will grab a shower after this and a shave/haircut and head into to work to set the ball rolling for my return to the real world. My leave slip saw me through 'til late March but I think that I have had enough. I am thinking maybe the second week of January would be good....after all ...the seasons closed,...most the other rivers are locked up...and really ...what the hell else are you going to the outflows every day?
...I would rather look for bad guys.....and grab some OT $$.
So off we go yesterday through a blinding snowstorm in winds that threaten to flip the car...and temps that freeze the snot to your whiskers ala glazed doughnut...
The walk through the woods was gorgeous and would've been worth the trip alone....except we had our fishing rods ...which had us crossing the fine line from admirable outdoor enthusiasts to fucking meatheads...
The river was frozen...go figure.
Water freezes at the Big 0 so it only makes sense that at -13 all things riparian are less then friendly.
Oh Well...(I have been typing that a lot lately)
On the way home we stopped at Aunt Gussies where
I lobbed one in to Morin by ordering Eggs Benedict.
Apparently I am gay because I like
eggs benedict...which is strange because it is one fluffy dish that embraces the redneck.
The sauce is almost pure butter death and there are enough egg yellows in it to drop a Rhino....I even ordered a side of bacon to ease the tension.
Oh well...I really wanted a beer to wash it down but I figured the milkshakes with the hairy eyeballs would have called the police.
I just heard my condensate pump kick on and I am filled with pride...maybe there is hope for me yet?
BTW...I have a foul mouth....and I am sure that at some point BLOGGER is going to catch up with me and give me the sack. Whatever.
I read a qoute once from
Kurt Vonnegut that went something to the effect of "Profanity gives people an excuse not to listen to you".....
Fuck him.Here is the thing about Blogger and I will try to be as sincere as anybody can be with themselves or others.
I do this for myself. It is my fishing journal. I share here because I enjoy reading other Blogs and this is my offering. Generally I am a miserable cunt and fishing is a way of calming my restless soul and offering me a respite from a stressful life. I've read a ton of books that I have enjoyed and probably barely understood but I don't pretend to be wicked smart. I cannot spell and my gramm'e'r is terrible. My thoughts are hackneyed and cliche. ....But I will continue with this. It provides me with something. It is not a place for me to brag about fishing me...I am useless out there. Yesterday I made four casts and had to retie twice...once pulling my line from a tree.
Here is the thing...some of you guys I know..some I don' are all welcome here but friends and strangers be advised,
I am not about to start policing comments like some sort of Draconian Blogger NAZI..
Feel free to attack each other all you want...I don't give a shit.
This doesn't mean that I endorse any of it but the thing is ...we are men...silly men....but men.
I take shots at everyone, in jest for the most part, but it was my hope that the latest round of pugnacity was more about the friendly jab?
If not be it.
I am not
Dad (at least not here) and the boys can work it out on their own....
..But allow me to say just this one thing.
It's Christmas.....
for christs sake.